Become a god, create a new world and defend your civilization from raiders, natural disasters and mythical monstrosities in These Doomed Isles, a survival city-builder with roguelike deckbuilding mechanics, available today on Steam Early Access.
Forge new lands, build settlements, and lead your civilization to victory in strategic run-based gameplay. Craft your deck of cards to discover powerful synergies capable of bringing your followers bountiful harvests or raining devastation down upon your enemies.
Play as 3 powerful gods, each with their own playstyle, cards, abilities, aesthetics and enemies to beat, including Cernunnos, the Celtic god of nature; Plutus, the Greek god of wealth; and Acan, the Mayan god of wine. Additional playable gods are planned to be introduced throughout Early Access, ahead of the game’s 1.0 launch in 2024.
Wield each god’s unique powers and make use of powerful cards to answer your followers’ prayers and help them survive. Build homes for your followers, protect your settlement from attacks and perfect your strategies across increasingly challenging Ascension levels to reign victorious.
Raise Islands – In this survival city-builder, you are a god who must build & defend island settlements. Use your powers to harvest resources, provide shelter for your followers & protect your settlement from attacks, plague, starvation & more. Place land to expand, but beware of what lurks beyond the horizon…
Wield The Power Of A God – Wield each god’s unique powers and make use of powerful cards to lead your civilization to survival. Rain meteors on invaders or stir up a storm to sink them at sea. Stack up powerful status effects to make sure your enemies think twice about invading again.
Build Your Settlement – Build homes for your followers, carefully manage their requirements and give them the tools they need to exploit the environment you’ve created.
Harvest Cards – Manage your deck to ensure you can thrive (or, at the very least, survive) until the next harvest. Discover powerful synergies with over 250 cards to play with.
Survive – Will you survive these doomed isles? Face increasing challenges as waves of invaders and powerful bosses attempt to undo all of your hard work, turning your settlement to rubble and crushing your followers who dare to stand in their way. Learn from your failures and perfect your strategies to complete your followers’ prayers and reign victorious.
“I’m a huge fan of classic god games, so my goal for These Doomed Isles was to build a compelling strategy game that combines run-based, roguelike gameplay with city-building,” said Andrew Stewart, Triplevision Games. “We’ve received amazing feedback from the game’s prologue and playtests, so I’m really excited to let players jump into the Early Access version today. We’ll be listening closely to player feedback throughout Early Access, and have big plans to add new content and additional playable gods.”
These Doomed Isles is available today on Steam Early Access. To keep up to date with the latest info, follow @DoomedIsles and join the community on Discord.
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