Red Barrels, the indie development studio behind the critically acclaimed and terrifying Outlast series, today opened the doors to the Courthouse, a new Trial in the Halloween update of the survival horror game The Outlast Trials.
The Outlast Trials, which was released in Early Access in May 2023, was a phenomenal success, with 1,4 million copies sold. Newcomers to this terrifying 4-player co-op experience can avail themselves of a 20% Halloween discount.
Subjects can get acquainted with the new Trial, ‘Program 4: Truth and Justice’ and encounter new Weekly Programs, additional MK-Challenges, and Program Geister, a limited-time Halloween event complete with special rewards. Additionally, they can also anticipate new Amps, Variators, Prescriptions, Cosmetics, Cell Items, and a Sleep Room Minigame, as well as numerous quality-of-life enhancements.
The following additions and improvements are included in addition to the latest updates:
- Group Find Changes – Find players for the same Trial and other options
- New Level Cap, Prescriptions and Amps – Continue your progression and unlock new Prescriptions and Amps
- New Conclusion – Where will Murkoff send the reborns?
- New Legendary Outfits – New Legendary Outfits available for the reborn
- Player Reporting Tools – New tool to ensure a great experience for all players
- New Performance XP – Rewards based on your actions during the Trial
- AI Improvements – Revamped Screamer enemy and many other changes
New subjects who purchase The Outlast Trials during Halloween can face the challenges of Murkoff’s facility at a special 20% discount. The Early Access game is available on Epic Games Store until November 1st and will be part of the Steam store sale between October 26th – November 2nd.
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