Embark on an extraordinary gaming adventure that takes you on a journey through time and space in An Arcade Full of Cats. Developed by Devcats, this ultimate pet’em up hidden object game promises to captivate you with its adorable feline companions.
Join Leo and Fofiño as they navigate through a whimsical version of the arcade era, spanning from 1980 to the year 2000. Their mission? To find their way back to the present! Get ready for a dose of time-traveling fun as you explore a reimagined arcade era filled with nostalgia and excitement.
Assist Leo and Fofiño on their quest to return home, all while immersing yourself in the charm of each era. In this captivating game, you’ll also embark on a hidden cat hunt. Search high and low across five scenarios to find these elusive feline companions. Each scenario holds its own unique surprises, ensuring that your journey remains thrilling.
And let’s not forget about the arcades themselves! Prepare to be amazed as you visit five classic arcades, each transformed into delightful cat-themed versions. These whisker-worthy arcades will transport you to a world where cats reign supreme, adding an extra layer of charm to your gaming experience. So, get ready to embark on a gaming journey like no other. An Arcade Full of Cats will be available on November 16th on Steam.
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