Back To The Dawn Gets a First Major Update

Back To The Dawn cover

Back to the Dawn was released in Early Access on Steam on November 3, 2023. We had the opportunity to preview this immersive RPG that puts us in the shoes of Thomas the Fox as he embarks on a quest to find a way out of prison. Today, the development team at Metal Head Games has announced the arrival of a major update that includes the option to choose the game’s difficulty and a New Game+ mode.

This update also includes feature optimization, bug fixes, and new features such as the ability to skip conversations, cutscenes, and work tasks.

The Difficulty Selection feature offers three different modes, each presenting its own advantages and difficulties. Whether you prefer to immerse yourself in the storyline at a relaxed pace or test your abilities with with zero memory recall (save file) option, these modes provide you with the flexibility to shape your adventure right from the start. Furthermore, new guidance has been implemented for the new game modes to guarantee a seamless experience.

Are you ready to take on Boulderton Prison once again after surviving your first stint? With New Game+, you can keep all your inmate relationships, specialties, and skills from your previous journey and embark on a fresh adventure. Prepare yourself for the challenges, but this time with the advantage of being well-prepared.


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