Trust No One is an intriguing point-and-click detective adventure crafted by Triomatica Games, a game development studio established in 2020. The game is currently under development and is scheduled to be launched in the first quarter of 2024.
Immerse yourself in the role of a journalist as you delve into a labyrinth of enigmas surrounding a cryptic AI-company. Traverse the streets and hidden corners of Kyiv to uncover the true identity of your informant. In Trust No One, prepare to expand your horizons beyond conventional thinking. This captivating game invites you to embrace curiosity and explore narratives that transcend the ordinary.
Triomatica Games, the Ukrainian game studio behind Trust No One, has previously achieved acclaim with their game Boxville, which secured the prestigious titles of Best Mobile Game at both DevGamm and GDWC in 2022 and 2023 respectively.
Trust No One Key Features:
- Meticulously hand-drawn graphics: Our talented artist has painstakingly crafted all the backgrounds and objects in the game.
- Real-life inspiration: The locations in the game are based on actual buildings and places in Kyiv, Ukraine, adding an authentic touch to the experience.
- Logical puzzles and mini-games: These challenges are cleverly woven into the storyline, enhancing your immersion in the game.
- An atmosphere of intrigue, conspiracy, and detective adventure: Prepare to be captivated by the mysterious ambiance that surrounds Trust No One.
- Heightened vigilance and attentiveness: To unravel the secrets within the game, you must remain alert and observant.
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