In the mystical land of Seikyu, players will experience a captivating blend of fantasy and farming simulation in Tales of Seikyu. As the proud owner of a countryside house, players will join their friend Kon in managing a farm and interacting with the charming yokai residents of the town.
Meet fascinating characters like the lord Kyubi, the flamboyant bar owner Shuten-dōji, the sharp-witted folklorist Yoji, and the peace-loving former mafia boss Otter Andolini. Get ready for an enchanting adventure filled with magic, mystery, and the joys of pastoral life. Tales of Seikyu is set to launch in 2024 on Steam.
Tales of Seikyu Key Features:
- Manage a Farm in a World of Yaokai: Players will experience the changing seasons of farm life, growing crops, raising animals, creating special recipes, and transforming a rundown farmhouse into a thriving ranch or a luxurious monster inn.
- Transform and Solve Mysteries: The game introduces divine masks that give players unique abilities, allowing them to shape-shift and solve the world’s mysteries in creative ways. Whether it’s soaring through the sky as a crow tengu or diving for treasures as a Slime, the possibilities are endless.
- Discover Hidden Stories: Tales of Seikyu is filled with captivating narratives. Players will form connections with over 30 distinct characters, each with their own story intertwined with the fabric of Seikyu. Friendships and romances will blossom as players engage with the lives of the villagers.
- Join Forces with Friends: The game includes a multiplayer feature where friends can team up to explore, farm, and build together. Whether they’re taking on challenges or simply enjoying the peaceful life, the game provides a shared space for adventures and relaxation.
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